
Security glass, safer windows and glass partitions

There are many kinds of windows, glass partitions and related products which give glass extra protection. You will find an overall presentation here.

Guider - Säkerhet fönster glaspartier

Make it harder for burglars and invest a little extra in terrace doors, basement windows and windows which are out of view – that is to say where a burglar can work undisturbed.

At a minimum, a window should meet the requirements of the EN 1627 standard, resistance class RC 2N, and be equipped with, at a minimum, P1A glass in accordance with the EN 356 standard. As regards windows which can be opened, these are subject to various requirements depending on the type of resistance classification they belong to in accordance with SSF 200.

  • Resistance classification 1 – the window is to be closed and secured internally.
  • Resistance classification 2 – the window is to be locked with a certified window lock or other lock device, alternatively possess access defences.
  • Resistance classification 3 – the window must be protected by access defences and equipped with a certified window lock.

Natural sources of light such as, for example, skylights, roof lanterns and similar are regarded as being comparable to windows.

Related products for extra protection

There are a number of different product choices in order to provide additional protection to windows/glazing and reduce the risk of break-ins and personal injury, among other things.

Access defences

Access defences are intended to render it more difficult for unauthorised persons to enter a premises. Access defences include, for example, bars, laminated glass and polycarbonate. Access defences are to be installed internally, inside the glazing in a stable frame, and secured in the wall or frame.

For openings other than windows and glass partitions in the enclosure area, access defences shall consist of bars with a standard of not less than class 3 according to SSF 012 or not less than RC 4 in accordance with EN 1627.

Roller grilles and shutters

As a rule, roller grills and shutters are to be locked with, at a minimum, an approved lock unit and be certified in accordance with SSF 012 or EN 1627.

Protective glass

Protective glass is a designation for a type of glass which can have several areas of application – e.g. burglar protection, protection against vandalism or bullet proofing.


Polycarbonate is a transparent thermoplastic with better strength characteristics than, for example, acrylic (plexiglass). It is used primarily for windows and glass doors which are to be impact-resistant and sustain kicks and strikes and may be included as a layer in laminated glass.

Safety film

Safety film is used to reinforce the characteristics of existing glass after the fact against, for example, impacts, kicks and strikes. The safety film also protects against personal injury since it prevents the glass from splintering.


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Anna Thorin

Administrator - Personnel Certification
Certification Coordinator - Product Certification

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