Scandinavia’s leading certification body in fire safety and security

SBSC was founded in 1997 and is owned by the Swedish Fire Protection Association together with the Swedish Theft Prevention Association, who are also members of our Board of Directors.
By offering the market’s most sought after certifications within the areas of fire safety and security, we contribute to the development of high-quality fire and security solutions. Solutions which save lives and property.

01.We ensure compliance with the requirements established in norms and standards

By issuing certificates in the areas of fire safety and security, we ensure compliance with the law and requirements within the respective areas. These requirements are established in the norms and standards of the Swedish Fire Protection Association, the Swedish Theft Prevention Association and other national and international organisations. Through certification, we ensure compliance with these norms and standards. This enhances quality and promotes both safety and security.

Our auditors have extensive certification and independent third-party auditing experience. Furthermore, many of our auditors possess between 10 and 30 years’ industry experience in the areas of fire safety and security. Our extensive industry expertise benefits our customers in conjunction with audits, inspections and in other contacts. By sharing knowledge and experience with us, we can contribute to ensuring the high quality of the services and products provided by our customers.

02.We are more than just a certification body

In order to make the world a safer place it is necessary to impose certain safety requirements. This is why we are not satisfied with merely issuing certificates. We actively strive to ensure that certification is used as a selection factor in the procurement process and that end customers understand that there are advantages to using providers or purchasing products with proven high quality. We inform standards authorities such as insurance companies and governmental authorities, purchasers such as municipalities and county councils as well as end-customers on the corporate and private markets of the benefits of certification.

Thanks to extensive cooperation with customers, SBSC possesses unique insight into the current challenges facing fire safety and crime prevention solutions. Through our customers, we also possess a special understanding of the needs of the end customers in terms of fire safety and security solutions and we contribute this unique knowledge to the development of norms and standards both on the domestic and international levels.

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Accreditation by Swedac

Issuing certificates requires the proper expertise and independence in making assessments. SBSC is accredited by the state authority, Swedac (Sweden’s national accreditation body), in the following accreditation areas: notified bodies, authorised fire alarm engineers, alarm-receiving centres, security cabinets, grates/grilles and locks, doors, windows, hatches, gates and related building hardware and quality, environmental, and work environment management systems. We are also subject to the standards requirements of ISO/IEC 17021 (certification of management systems), ISO/IEC 17029:201 (Validation and verification), ISO/IEC 17065 (certification of products) and ISO/IEC 17024 (certification of persons). Our accreditations may be found on Swedac’s website under Accreditation no: 1631.

SBSC also holds permission from Swedac for so-called flexible accreditation. Read more about the current accreditation scopes here.

Permission to certify according to SBF standards

SBSC meets the requirements of SBF 2021 and is authorized to certify according to SBF standards. The purpose of the standard is to specify an appropriate quality level of organization, staff and operations for a certification body. The aim is for this standard to contribute to the certification bodies performing equivalent assessments and audits with satisfactory quality and reliability to ensure that certified companies, persons and products can contribute to increased fire safety.

Compliance with the requirements specified in this standard is shown by a permit issued by SBF, the Swedish Fire Protection Association.

SBSC’s permit and detailed information on what standards the permit covers are listed at the Swedish Fire Protection Association’s website. (in Swedish)

Independent and impartial

As an accredited certification body, it is essential that SBSC is – and is perceived to be – independent and impartial. Furthermore, it is fundamental to our activities that decisions are also based on objective assessments of whether a product or service meets applicable requirements. Our assessments and decisions cannot be affected by conflicting interests or by individuals or organisations.

Our revenues come exclusively from our certified customers. SBSC generates no income from end customers, the consumer market, industry organisations, or normative bodies.

In order to guarantee our impartiality, SBSC regularly and systematically strives to identify, analyse and take necessary steps in order to minimise risks which can affect our impartiality.

Notified Body in accordance with the EU Construction Product Regulation

We are notified body no 2391 in accordance with EU construction product regulation No 305/20111. This means that we are an independent organisation that possesses the expertise to supervise and assist manufacturers in verifying that products released on the market comply with EU rules.

Members of the European Fire and Security Group

We are members of the European Fire and Security Group – a platform for expertise for testing and certification consisting of a group of certification bodies who work together with associated testing laboratories. We ensure the quality of safety systems and facilitate the access of providers to the European market.

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