The certification process
- You can easily apply for a certification through our customer portal. If you do not have a login select “New customer” and create an account.
- In order to ensure that you meet the requirements, you will complete an extensive questionnaire (a Client Declaration form).
- We perform an assessment and follow up on the replies in the form and request that you supplement them as necessary.
- You affirm the accuracy of your answers formally through an authorised company signatory.
- We issue a certificate which is valid for three years.
- During the period of validity, we make conduct spot checks to ensure that you continue to fulfil the requirements of the norm.
Requirements for Cyber Security BASIC
– according to issue SSF 1101
Basic requirements
The applicant must be a legal person and the company’s client declaration must be signed by an authorised company signatory.
Examples of various requirements
- Strong passwords for user accounts on computers and mobile units.
- Activated encryption of storage space on computers and mobile units where possible.
- Back-up copying of information to the extent determined by the operation. Control of back-up copying information should be carried out through regular random checks.
- Software to protect against malicious code on all computers and mobile units which may be connected to external networks.
- Decisions regarding, and the extent to which, personal equipment may be used in the organisation.
- One or more network units with firewall functionality installed between the company’s internal and external networks.
- Encrypted wireless networks which are protected by a secured protocol and strong password or certificate.
- The organisation should identify suppliers of it services that could be critical to the organisation’s operations.
- The organisation shall ensure that these suppliers have a basic level of cybersecurity. The supplier’s level of cybersecurity shall be verified through self-declaration, accreditations, certificates, or equivalent.
- If there are grounds to suspect that a password has become known to someone other than the user, the password should be changed immediately.
- Security Training for Users.
Cyber‑attacks know no borders and
no one is immune.
Advantages of being certified by SBSC
- SBSC is Scandinavia’s leading certification body within fire safety and security. A certification by SBSC shows your customers that you meet all the requirements in relevant standards.
- An SBSC certification shows that your business is in control of it security and take information security seriously.
- The SBSC certification enhances cybersecurity in the supply chain.
- The SBSC certification provides solid protection against the most common types of cyber threats.
- The SBSC certification certifies that your personnel have undergone basic information security training.
- The SBSC certification shows that you have the conditions for protecting personal data in accordance with the GDPR.
- SBSC is one of the few certification bodies worldwide that offer this type of certificate for SMEs.
- SBSC’s certificates and certification marks have high market value and a high degree of recognition both in the industry as well as with end customers and requirements makers and strengthen confidence in your company.
- A certification by SBSC shows that you continuously strive towards improvement.
- We can help you with marketing; Describe your company on while showcasing your logo and effortlessly informing your customers about your valid certificates. Our website gets thousands of searches for certified companies, products and persons every month.